

Wild vegetables at the right time, don't let eat fresh into eating "risk"

I do not recommend that you go out in the park, roadside digging wild vegetables at will, on the one hand will destroy the environment, but also may mistakenly pick toxic wild vegetables. It is best to buy wild vegetables through regular channels. If you want to pick them in the wild and are not familiar with the characteristics of wild vegetables, it is recommended to pick them under the leadership of professionals.

I do not recommend that you go out in the park, roadside digging wild vegetables at will, on the one hand will destroy the environment, but also may mistakenly pick toxic wild vegetables. It is best to buy wild vegetables through regular channels. If you want to pick them in the wild and are not familiar with the characteristics of wild vegetables, it is recommended to pick them under the leadership of professionals.

Zhang Baohai senior specialty expert at Vegetable Research Institute of Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences

It is the Start of Summer, the 24 solar terms, when many crops enter their peak growing season and gradually mature. It is also a good time to eat wild vegetables.

Recently, the reporter noticed that many people posted pictures of wild vegetables they had dug by the side of the road on social media platforms, and topics related to wild vegetables became the hottest searches on Weibo.

However, many netizens said that although wild vegetables are rich in nutrition, some people eat them and put a big burden on their health. There are wild vegetables because of bitter taste, not suitable for eating; At the same time, some wild vegetables may be due to the accumulation of lead and other pollutants, should not be eaten.

So in daily life, how can we distinguish different wild vegetables? Will wild vegetables be contaminated? How to eat wild vegetables scientifically and healthily? The reporter interviewed experts with these questions.

Be familiar with the characteristics of wild vegetables before picking

Zhang Baohai, a senior specialty expert at the Vegetable Research Institute of Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, told reporters that there are many kinds of wild vegetables that people can eat in daily life.

"Take herbal wild vegetables as an example, shepherd's purse, dandelion, bitter dish, prickly cabbage, small root garlic and other wild vegetables are more common; Woody wild vegetables such as Chinese toon, elm money, magnolia bud, willow bud and poplar hanging can also be eaten by people." Zhang Baohai said.

So, how can you tell the difference between different kinds of wild vegetables?

First, Mr. Zhang says, it is important to master the typical features of wild vegetables, such as shepherd's purse, which has small white flowers and small tricorn fruits. Dandelion flowers are pale yellow, and when you break its leaves, you will release white juice. Secondly, under the leadership of professionals or more experienced people, familiar with a variety of wild vegetables.

"Getting familiar with and identifying various wild vegetables requires professional guidance and repeated practice." Zhang Baohai further said that some mobile phone apps that can identify plant species can also play a role in assisting the identification of wild vegetables when they clearly capture the unique characteristics of wild vegetables. However, such apps also have a certain probability of reporting mistakes, so we cannot trust them all.

To dig wild vegetables, avoid polluted areas

Some people believe that wild vegetables are healthy and edible. But is this really the case?

Zhang Baohai said that the growing environment should be considered when collecting wild vegetables. "In fact, wild vegetables in some places are not suitable for people to pick and eat. Wild vegetables grown in high-traffic areas may accumulate heavy metals such as lead; Some wild vegetables grown in plantation land may have some pesticide residue." 'he said.

At the same time, people should avoid areas near factories, sewage, roads and landfills when gathering wild vegetables to avoid eating contaminated wild vegetables, Zhang said.

"I do not recommend that you go out in the park, the roadside at will dig wild vegetables, on the one hand will destroy the environment, but also may mistakenly pick poisonous wild vegetables. It is best to buy wild vegetables through regular channels. If you want to pick them in the wild and are not familiar with the characteristics of wild vegetables, it is recommended to pick them under the leadership of professionals." Zhang Baohai said.

For some herbs, pick them without pulling them up by the roots so they can continue to grow. Also do not over pick, to avoid damage to the ecological environment.

Eating wild vegetables is not for everyone

Are wild vegetables suitable for everyone?

Zhang Baohai said, this should be on the basis of familiar with the characteristics of wild vegetables, comprehensive consideration of their own situation, can not be generalized. The elderly, infants, pregnant women, lactating women, allergy and other people try not to eat or eat less wild vegetables. "It is important to taste fresh vegetables, not to take on more, and not to replace vegetables." "He stressed.

There are various ways of cooking wild vegetables. Different taste and characteristics of wild vegetables have different cooking techniques. Shepherd's purse is suitable for stuffing, dandelion can be eaten raw, for magnolia bud, willow bud, poplar hanging, mud cabbage and other bitter taste of wild vegetables and some poisonous wild vegetables, need to soup bleaching, soaking and other links, to ensure safety to eat. "If you don't have a lot of cooking experience, you need to be led by someone who does." Zhang Baohai reminded.

Also remove the rotten parts of wild vegetables and wash them thoroughly before cooking. If you need to buy wild vegetables, you can buy fresh wild vegetables from regular food markets or supermarkets instead of roadside stalls or mobile stalls.

If you feel uncomfortable after eating wild vegetables, you should promptly induce vomiting and bring the remaining wild vegetables and vomitus to the hospital. While waiting for medical treatment, you can drink mild salt water or warm water to replenish body fluids.